Connector for Jira - User Guide

Connector for Jira - User Guide

Step 1 - Create your bot

for Jira administrators


Before you begin to receive notifications, Jira administrator must establish a connection between Telegram and Jira itself.

All communication between these services is performed via your custom telegram bot. If you don’t have one, please use the official documentation to get your bot. (see here)

Here is a quick guide how to:

  1. Open Telegram.

  2. Search for BotFather bot.

  3. Type /start and follow the given workflow to create your bot (bot’s name must end in "bot").

  4. Done. Your bot is created.


Step 2 - Set up connection

for Jira administrators


After add-on installation Jira administrator must go to Settings → Manage apps → Telegram Connector → Telegram Bot to establish connection between Jira and Telegram.



Here administrator must add crucial information about created Telegram bot:

  • Bot name

  • Access token.

This information is given only to bot creator from BotFather. Alongside with other control options.


After configuration is saved, service connection is complete. Now users can set up their own notification rules.

Please do not use the same bot on several Jira instances! This may cause conflicts with Telegram.



Configuration List

All created configurations of Telegram connector are listed on this page.



On this page administrator can track configuration events or erros that took place.



This section controls parameters of plugin productivity and memory usage.

For Jira System administrators only!

It is not recommended to change parameters in this section without strong understanding of these consequences.



Step 3 - Create configuration


General Info


Each project administration section gets a new menu after add-on installation.

(Project settings → Telegram connector settings)


Connector has 2 modes based on their functionality:

Events - sends notifications to Telegram group chat triggered by events in Jira.

Reports - sends scheduled reports on issues.


Project administrator can easily switch between modes by clicking on the corresponding button:


Users can be notified on events happening with your project or issues via Telegram group chats. All notifications are sent from Jira on behalf of your custom bot used for the whole Jira instance.


Each project administrator can set up configuration that will notify on certain events.

To do so go to Project settings Telegram Connector. On this page you can create as many configurations as you want as long as they use different Telegram group ID.


You can set up Telegram connector for your own personal use and get notifications from Jira from the projects you are interested in.

To set up your own configuration, go to ProfileTelegram Connector.

Set up your connection just as in the instruction below, but make sure to mention the projects you want to get notifications from. You will get notifications that are related only to the mentioned projects even if configuration filter is not limited by them.


Here project administrators have the ability to set up connection between current Jira project and required Telegram chat.

Each project can have limitless number of configurations for Telegram chat. To create a new setting, find “New Setting” and fill in the required information.

There are 3 main blocks in any configuration tab:

  1. Webhook URL

  2. Filter

  3. Author

  4. Events



Telegram Group address

To start creating a configuration user must fill in the required fields:

  • Title (will be used as configuration name)

  • Telegram group ID


How to get Telegram group ID

  1. Create Telegram group chat (see instruction)

  2. Add bot to group chat (find bot name under "Telegram group ID" field)

  3. Send /info command in chat to get Telegram group ID. (use /start command first if needed)


You can always test your connection to see if it is set up correctly by clicking on "Test Connection” button.


Personal connector





Basic/JQL filter

By default if any selected event (see Events section below) takes place in any issue in project - a notification will be immediately sent to Telegram group chat. If you want to limit the number of monitored issues, 2 modes of filtering are available: Basic and Advanced.


You can switch between filtering modes by clicking on the corresponding toggle. Note that only one filtering mode can exist at a time.


Label next to the toggle element will give a hint on what filter mode is configured for current setting.







If user selected several fields as filter criteria only those issues will trigger notifications that match at least one value for both fields.

Selecting several priorities will trigger event notification in issues with both "Medium" and "High" priority.

Issue with "High" priority in status "Open" will trigger notification.

Issue with "High" priority in status “Closed" will not trigger notification.




Filter update will take effect immediately after saving settings and will erase another filter mode if configured.



As administrator you can narrow down notification on events depending on who is their author. i.e. Who performed the action from the selected events list (see Events section below).

For example you can set up notifications to be sent only if they are performed by some core users (like managers or team leads) or a specific team. This can be done by defining specific users or via user groups.

Or you can exclude notifications of events performed by specific users simply mentioning them in the field “Exclude users”.


Events picking

After managing the Telegram group ID and bot commands users can select events they want to be notified on. Each configuration is split by sections of events depending on their specifics:

  • Comment

  • Issue

  • Worklog

  • Versions

  • Sprint


Activating toggles next to events will enable sending notifications to Telegram chat as soon as this event takes place in Jira.

To enable/disable the whole event column - activate or deactivate toggle for the whole column.



Events will trigger notification only for those issues, that match filter for current configuration. Any event in issues that do not follow the configured filer will be ignored.







Comment added

Event triggers notification when a new comment is left in issue.

Comment edited

Event triggers notification when comment in issue is edited.


Issue created

Event triggers notification when issue is created in project.

Please note, that event will only work if newly created issue matches the configured filter.

Issue updated

Event triggers notification when issue is edited.

Issue assigned

Event triggers notification when issue assignee is changed.

Issue deleted

Event triggers notification when issue is deleted.

Issue moved to project

Event triggers notification when issue is moved from another project to the current one.

Please note, that event will only work if moved issue matches the configured filter.

Issue moved from project

Event triggers notification when issue is moved from current project to the another one.

Please note, that event will trigger notification regardless of the configured filter!

Issue resolution changed

Event triggers notification when issue resolution is changed.

After event activation a select list will appear. You can select specific resolutions you want to be notified of.

Issue status changed

Event triggers notification when issue status is changed.

After event activation a select list will appear. You can select specific resolutions you want to be notified of.


Worklog added

Event triggers notification when time is logged on issue.

Worklog updated

Event triggers notification when logged time on issue is edited.

Worklog deleted

Event triggers notification when logged time on issue is deleted.


Note, this block of events is not related to configured filter.

i.e. Notification will be sent regardless of the configured filter!

Version created

Event triggers notification when new version is created in project.

Version released

Event triggers notification when project version is marked as "Released".

Version unreleased

Event triggers notification when project version changes its state from "Released" to "Unreleased"

Version updated

Event triggers notification when new changes to project version details are made.

Version archived

Event triggers notification when project version is moved to "Archive".

Version unarchived

Event triggers notification when project version is moved from "Archive".

Version deleted

Event triggers notification when version is deleted from project.


Sprint Started

Event triggers notification when sprint related to current project was started.

Sprint Completed

Event triggers notification when sprint related to current project was completed.




Extra fields

Each card has its own set of fields, yet for some events you can set up additional fields to display in the cards sent to Telegram group chat.





You can see an icon next to some events, clicking on which would open a drop down list of fields. Search and select the field which value you want to be displayed in the card sent to Telegram group chat.







After all settings have been set, save them to apply changes. As soon as they are saved, notification will start reaching your channel.


Press Save to apply your changes.




This mode allows administrators to send scheduled reports to Telegram chat.

To to set up a report project administrator must take 3 simple steps:

  1. Select Report Type

  2. Configure issue filter

  3. Set up the schedule


I. Report type

Report type


Report type


Custom sprint

Sends report on issues in the selected Sprint(s).

Active sprint

Provides reports on issues in currently active Sprint(s).

Issue count

Lists issues matching the selected filter.


Shows aggregated progress state of issues in filter.

No transitions

Lists issues that have status not changed.

(Based on Minimum overdue)

No updates

Lists issues that have not been updated.

(Based on Minimum overdue)

You can select report’s owner. Each report must have an owner as his/her permissions will be counted while building report. i.e. if report owner has no permission to view the issue it will not be included into the report.

If no owner is set - current user will be set as report owner.



II. Filter

Issue Filter functionality is identical to the one in the Events, but relates to Reports only.

Please see instructions here.




III. Schedule

This section is designed to create schedule when reports are to be sent to the Telegram group chat.

First, pick the period of the report schedule. Then fill in the additional fields depending on the selected period.


Each period has a different set of fields that help to adjust the correct time for sending report. You can see the fields corresponding to each of the periods below:




Day of week


Day of month




Day of week


Day of month










First day of the month


Last day of the month


Custom day of the month

Once in

 This type of period has a unique set of fields and logics behind it:


While period types like Daily, Weekly and Monthly send reports only once in a specified day and time, the "Once in" type lets you get reports more frequently and within a range of days and time.