Time Spent

Time Spent



Add-on helps to gather statistics on the time issue has spent in each status and how long it has been assigned to each of its assignees. To enter the add-on menu click on the "Time Spent" panel located on the header bar of your Jira.

Permissions to see this panel is set up by your Jira Administrator. see instruction



First of all, user must determine the list of issues to calculate the time data.

To do so, pick one of the modes that will help you to build your query depending on your preferences, style of work and expertise in Jira.

There are 3 modes available:

  • Basic

  • Advanced

  • Jira filter


In order to see the search results, viewer must have Browse project permission in projects that match the search criteria.



Basic search allows users to set the search criteria by selecting values in the fields depending on the subject of interest.

To start the search you must select projects or issues. If you select some project, a new field will appear offering to further narrow down the search results depending on the issue fields values - Add filter.


In the new field you can select other fields and then specify their values.


All values in one field work by “any of” principle. If issue matches at least one of the values in each field, it will be included to the search results.


For example:

One field

Selecting several priorities includes issues with any of these values: "Medium" or "High".


If user selected several fields as filter criteria, only those issues will be included into the report that match at least one value for both fields.


Several fields



Issue with "High" priority in status "Open" will be included into the report.

Issue with "High" priority in status “Closed" will not be included into the report.



Advanced mode allows creating much more specified and delicate queries based on JQL.

Just type the JQL query that include issues that you want to extract information from.


Jira filter

This mode lets you pick one of the existing Jira issue filters from your "Favorite" list.


Issue history filter

This block filters the history results in the table. You can choose to display only the information related to a particular user or status. If some users or statuses are selected, table results will be calculated based on the input data.


(For example: Selecting user John Smith and status Open would show only the time issues were assigned to John Smith while being in Open status. i.e. No other data on other users or statuses will be displayed.)



Display additional filter

In order to display additional information about values of particular fields, select these fields in the drop-down list.


Table view

Switching between table view modes rearranges the aggregated data according to your preference. As seen on the illustrations, data of the same issue can be arranged according to the desired view.


By assignee

Shows every assignee of the issues followed by the information on statuses when this issue was assigned to the user. This mode can show both the elapsed time and the logged time.


By status

Lists statuses that this issue had throughout its life and what users this issue was assigned to in each status. Can display only elapsed time.


Extra features

Created after

This fields helps to filter issues by their creation date. So that table would only show results of issues created after the mentioned date.

Table results will display only information on issues that have beed created after the 6th of January 2021 (example).

Applied even if create date filtering is used in other modes (Advanced, Jira filter).



Workload calendar

By default all elapsed time is counted 24/7. But if you want to count only specific schedule, like working days and working hours you can select a calendar preset.

Hovering over the calendar’s name in the drop down list gives the hint of its details like working days and hours.















Time statistic reports can provide information using charts. Charts represent information about time spent in issues.

They can be built based on the whole issue data or by particular Status/Assignee depending on the selected view mode. 


  1. Go to Time Spent reports page (top of the page).

  2. Perform your request and get report result.

  3. Press the chart icon to open a dialog window with chart settings.





This dialog supports several types of charts:


I. Pie


II. Bar


III. Doughnut


IV. Comparison




Issue View

After add-on installation, every issue obtains an additional tab in the Activity section - Time Spent.

This section shows how many assignees there were in this issue and what’s the total time this issue spent in each status. As well as its chronological history.

Section can arrange data in 3 modes:

  • By Assignee

  • By Status

  • By History


Each of them has its view and arrangement type so pick the one that helps you most.


By Assignee



By Status



By History