Component Watcher for Jira (Cloud)

Component Watcher for Jira (Cloud)


Component Watcher for Jira - is a plugin used to get notifications about events in issues that contain certain components. i.e. as notification subscription to certain components.

It can be used by various teams to keep track of their own particular directions. 


To open Component Watcher settings navigate to "Component watcher" section on the project settings page:

Project settings → Component watcher

User must have Project administrator permission to access component Watcher setting.




I. Select component

Pick components from the list of components in your project you want to be notified about.

(You can select several components to create multiple configurations at once)


II. Select event type

You can pick the events you want to be notified about rather than getting notifications on any event in the issue.

For example, to get notifications only in there was a new comment in issue, while ignoring assignment updates.


III. Select recipients 

You can select both individual users and user groups as recipients of the notifications. 


IV. Create setting

Press Add component settings to create new setting. 


Please note, notification is not sent to event author. i.e. users do not get emails of self-triggered events.