[TS] Administrator's guide

[TS] Administrator's guide

Jira Administrators are responsible for granting permissions to see the Time Statistics panel and for creating calendar presets for users to choose in the panel settings.

To enter administrator panel navigate to: Manage appsTime Statistics


Here Administrator has 2 options:

  • Access

  • Calendars



In this menu Jira Administrator can grant access to user groups, users directly or project roles that can see and get access to the Time Statistics report panel on the Jira header bar.




To grant access start typing the group name, user or project role in the corresponding field and then pick it from the given list.

If user has the selected project role in one project, he/she still gets access to the whole global reports panel and can perform requests for other projects.






Press Save to confirm access groups.

Press Delete to clear the group access list.


Jira administrators always see the Time Statistics panel.





Before user can select the calendar preset in the given field in Time Statistics panel, Jira Administrator must create it first.

To create a new calendar click on the "Create calendar preset" button.

Fill in the required fields to finish the calendar creation process.

Calendar name - it the calendar title, that will be shown in the Time Statistic report panel.

Working days - mark the days to be the working days. Depending on the choice, time in issues will be counted only for the marked days, leaving the rest days not included into the final report.

Working hours - plugin counts actual hours and minutes during the working days and inclues this time into the report. Any minute our of this time period is not counted and will not be included into the final report.

Holidays - given dates will be excluded from the report schedule so that this time is not included into the report. Mark “Repeat every year" if you want these days to be excluded automatically for each year.


After all the settings are set, press Create to confirm calendar creation.

Administrator can also Edit the created calendar presets and Delete them.


Given list of presets is common for all users of the Time Statistics panel.